Moving …
When you know your purpose and what you want, what your goal is, then the question arises how do you define your passion around your purpose.
1. How do you create your passion around your purpose?
How do you create your passion around your purpose, when you’re supposed to have passion, and you clearly are in this middle ground of not knowing what to do. You have all these ideas and nowhere to go.
Here’s the thing, it’s all about being clear about your goal, about your intentions, it comes now down to you, your end game, what you want to implement and how you want to go about it.
2. What you can do?
Instead of focusing on so much on the what if’s that you end up not doing anything, try this instead.
Focus on the process. A process goal is made up of small repetitive goals, which, tends to be more like habits. These habits form the process of the larger objective the bigger picture and this works towards your overall goal, your end game whatever that might be.
In this way you are giving yourself these moments where you are shifting your moments to now, and creating passion around the smaller projects and habits you are busy with. That’s where my passion and purpose comes to play –
moving from passion to purpose one artwork at a time
3. How I do it –
- I’m working on the process with having a clear focus on what I want to create, bringing my passion for JOURNALING into focus.
- Giving myself the daily practice of creating and writing at least 30 minutes per day.
- Setting aside the time for it, giving myself the space to make it do-able.
- Sharing the experiences the outcomes to those who love the creative process.
- Building a community and surrounding myself of loving creative filled people who love color and all things creative in whatever form that might be.
This is where passion and purpose collide, it’s in the process.
Don’t give up on your dream, your purpose, redefine it in ways that speaks to your passion for what you want to do.
Even if you need to work backwards from your purpose, redefine your passion, giving it purpose.
Take care – Debbera